conditions of participation


Status: July 11, 2024

These terms and conditions apply to all participants (“participants”) in the DOCTOR MI! competition. By participating in the competition, the participant agrees to the terms and conditions and confirms that the statements made are correct.

1) Organizer of the Challenge

The competition is a campaign by Doctor Mi! GmbH, Widenmayerstr. 31, 80538 Munich ("DOCTOR MI!"). The competition has no connection with Instagram or Facebook and is not sponsored, supported or organized by Instagram or Facebook in any way. By participating in this competition, all participants release Instagram or Facebook from any claims or liability in connection with the competition. Instagram or Facebook are not available as contact persons for the competition.

2) Eligible participants
Persons who are resident in Germany, Austria or Switzerland and are at least 18 years old are eligible to participate.

Multiple entries and the participation of employees of Doctor Mi! GmbH are excluded from participation.

3) Exclusion from participation
DOCTOR MI! reserves the right to exclude participants who provide false information in the competition, manipulate it, attempt to manipulate it or otherwise violate these terms and conditions. In addition, DOCTOR MI! has the right to change, suspend or prematurely end the competition if this becomes necessary due to force majeure or circumstances beyond DOCTOR MI!'s control. Any automated participation or other automatic participation will result in exclusion from the competition.

4) Prize, participation and determination of winners
A pack of 7 DOCTOR MI! ampoules will be raffled off among all participants. The competition ends on 8.9.24 at 24:59 CET. Participants must be "followers" of DOCTOR MI! on either Facebook (@doctormiskincare) or Instagram (@doctormi). Participants post a photo of the DOCTOR MI! SUN sunscreen on their Instagram or Facebook profile, tagging DOCTOR MI! (Instagram: @doctormi / Facebook: @doctormiskincare) and using the hashtag #doctormisun in the post text. In order to take part in the competition, the respective participant profile (Instagram or Facebook) must be public.

The winners will be randomly chosen from all proper participants or those who have properly implemented the conditions of participation stated in the competition by September 16th, 2024 at the latest. The winner will be notified via direct message on Instagram or Facebook and asked to provide their contact details (first name, last name, address and date of birth) as well as their profile name via direct message. Only answers with complete information can be considered. The right to the prize expires if the winner has not contacted DOCTOR MI! within 2 days using the specified method, providing all of the above-mentioned data; in this case, a new winner will be determined using the same procedure. The transfer of the prize to third parties as well as a cash payment of the prize value or the exchange of the prize are excluded.

DOCTOR MI! reserves the right to replace the prize with other products of similar value if the named/assigned prize is not currently or no longer available for reasons beyond DOCTOR MI!'s control.

5) Grant of rights by winners
DOCTOR MI! intends to announce the winner, stating their name, in a winner post in the newsletter, in the story and/or posting on the Instagram and Facebook account of DOCTOR MI! (@doctormi).

6) Data protection
The participants' data will only be stored to the extent mentioned under point 4 ("Determining the winners") and only for the purpose of conducting the competition. A participant has the right to request the deletion of his data at any time and with effect for the future. A corresponding request for deletion before the end of the competition will lead to exclusion from participation in the competition. The winners' data (with the exception of the winner's post/announcement on Instagram) will not be passed on to third parties. All data will be deleted no later than one week after the end of the competition (dispatch of the prize(s). We would also like to point out that Instagram and Facebook collect participant data, over which DOCTOR MI! has no influence.

7) Disclaimer
DOCTOR MI! is liable exclusively for damages caused by intentional or grossly negligent actions and for damages resulting from slightly negligent breaches of duties arising from the competition, which make the proper conduct of the competition possible in the first place and on whose fulfilment the participants can therefore rely. In the latter case, liability is limited to the damage foreseeable at the start of the competition. In the case of personal injury and in the area of ​​application of the Product Liability Act, liability is not limited. The above liability regulations also apply in the event of breaches of duty by the legal representatives or vicarious agents of DOCTOR MI!.

8) Other
Legal recourse is excluded.
The law of the Federal Republic of Germany applies. Legal provisions restricting the choice of law and the applicability of mandatory consumer protection regulations, in particular of the EU member state in which the participant has their habitual residence, remain unaffected. In addition, the terms and conditions and guidelines of Instagram and Facebook apply. Comments that violate these or for which the participant does not hold the necessary rights/copyright are excluded from participation and therefore from winning. The competition has no connection with Instagram and is not sponsored, supported or organized by Instagram in any way. Instagram is not available as a contact for the competition. Should any of these provisions be or become invalid, the validity of the remaining conditions of participation remains unaffected.

Munich, July 11, 2024