Beauty o’clock: Skin care according to your biorhythm
In everyday life you pay close attention to the body's internal clock. For example, you know for sure at what time of the day you are most creative and can concentrate particularly well, when it is time for a break and fresh air and when your bed is calling. It is no different for your skin: It also has certain times of the day when it is particularly well hydrated and times when it prefers richer care with lots of active ingredients. Factors such as the changing seasons, age, sleeping habits and environmental influences play a large role for the internal clock of our skin. In this article you will find out when your skin biorhythm demands what since skin care works much better if you use your biorhythm, which is a kind of timetable for your skin.

The 24-hour biorhythm of the skin
Chronobiology made it possible for the circadian rhythm to be deciphered. Through this we know how the metabolism of the skin layers behave at what at time of day and which care requirements can be derived from it. "Circadian" is made up of "circa", which means approximately, and "dia", for day. The most obvious chronobiological reactions are the sleep-wake rhythms in humans, animals and plants, and the monthly fertility cycle in women.
Old findings reevaluated
In the mid-18th century, the French scientist Jean-Jacques d'Ortous de Mairan observed that a mimosa unfolded during the day and rolled up at night - even if it was completely deprived of daylight for weeks. This groundbreaking discovery of the inner 24-hour cycle was further explored, creating a new scientific field: chronobiology.
In medicine, the circadian cycle is used today, for example, to select the perfect time when administering a cancer drug to ensure that as many cancer cells as possible are destroyed while preserving as much healthy tissue as possible and keeping side effects to a minimum. Other medication and pain relievers also work better at certain times.
At the end of the 20th century, chronobiology was not yet seen as a real science. That changed suddenly in 2017, when three American chronobiologists were able to prove the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the brain - i.e. the location of the internal clock - which earned them the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology. This “master clock” in the brain is located at the junction of the optic nerves.
Natural timetable of the skin
The biorhythm's master clock also ensures that all physiological and biochemical processes always take place at the optimal time - and therefore gives you the opportunity to take your beauty care to a whole new level. The biorhythm of the skin has an influence on cell regeneration, aging processes, the development of diseases and on when to get the maximum effect from certain nutrients. Once you know about it and have experienced the effect, you will never go against the skin's biorhythm again and take advantage of the maximum effect in skin care. The biorhythm of the skin can be divided into four times: waking up, noon, evening and night.
Early morning dampness
The skin, which is parched from the night, is in a defensive mode from morning to evening and has to stand up to free radicals, UV rays, exhaust gases and other environmental pollutants as well as harsh wind while also defending itself in the winter against the biting cold weather. The skin's circulation, hormone production and metabolism are particularly activated in the morning.
What to do after getting up
The morning for you skin, strengthened by the regeneration process of the night, should begin with the cleansing gel CLEAN, the refreshing and gentle exfoliating PEEL as well as the toner TONE. Skin is less sensitive in the morning and has rid itself of dead skin cells as well as impurities that can easily be rubbed away. If you plan a little more time for your morning routine, now would also a good time to tackle cellulite with a massage brush and a firming cream or exercise, as the blood circulation runs at full speed in the morning.
What care you need in the morning
In the morning, your freshly cleansed skin needs day care. Here too, as is so often the case, more is not more. An amount the size of a cherry stone is sufficient and it is better to apply more cream afterwards when necessary. Additional sun protection with SPF 50+ is also recommended. Make sure that the sunscreen is made from natural ingredients as chemicals can irritate the skin and damage its protective coating. Retinol is also an important ingredient in day care, so we also recommend using Doctor Mi!'s day care DAY with 1% TECMi! ® Retinol complex.
Mid-day glow
A look in the mirror will not only reveal that you yourself have hit a low point after your lunch break, but your blood pressure too. Since the skin is no longer adequately nourished, creases will appear around your eyes. At the same time, the sebum glands are working at full speed at lunchtime and are generously providing your skin with lipids which strengthen the natural protective layer against free radicals and environmental influences with vitamin E. When you look in the mirror, this glow on the T-Zone will probably catch your eye.
Small repairs in the afternoon
Wiping off the thin layer of sebum that has built up on your skin at noon is not a good idea because your skin needs it. A little powdering is usually sufficient. When you remove the oily layer, please remember to reapply protective day cream. In any case, you should give your eye area a little fresh UV protection and a light hyaluronic serum to make you look fresher again. At around 3 p.m., the skin comes out of its midday low and its defenses rise again. Since sweat production will be picking up again, it would now be a good time to add more deodorant and, if necessary, make-up. At the same time, the body's sensitivity to pain drops at this time until around 4 p.m., which is advantageous for cosmetic procedures such as going to a cosmetics or waxing appointment.
In the evening, lay the burdens of the day to rest
Your skin is just as tired in the evening as you are. All day long, pollutants settled on it and it was exposed to UV light and other skin-damaging influences. Before the night routine can start, your skin must first be freed from all traces of stress. This also includes the shiny layer of fat to strengthen the protective barrier of your skin. Clean the skin thoroughly with the CLEAN cleansing gel. If you have not used an exfoliator in the morning, now is a good time to remove any excess skin with our gentle peeling PEEL. After that, you clarify your skin with the AHA toner TONE and optimally prepare your skin for the absorption of the night care NIGHT.
Sleeping is skin regeneration time
Together with the morning care routine, the night is the most important time of day for your skin. While you are sleeping, it switches to repair mode which is particularly active between 11 p.m. and 2 a.m. Stem cells in the epidermis renew themselves quickly at night and damaged or dead skin cells are replaced by new ones. The pollutants of the day are eliminated and the blood circulation and function of the lymph are stimulated. This is also the point in your skin's biorhythm when it is supplied with the nutrients it has absorbed during the day. The pores expand and the skin barrier becomes more permeable. At the same time, sebum production is reduced to a minimum and lipids that protect the skin are hardly produced. The skin loses a lot of moisture, which is why it is often dry in the morning and you see fine lines and wrinkles more clearly.
Interferences are undesirable!
This nightly biorhythm can be disturbed by little sleep or blue screen light from cell phones, for example. Stale air and heating that is set too high can damage the skin directly. The regeneration process of the skin is slowed down and the aging process accelerated. Your skin can then look pale and old in the morning. Since the skin's biorhythm dictates that it is now time to open up and lower the shields, toxins like nicotine and alcohol can also do more damage at night than during the day. A good example of how disrupting the skin's biorhythm can affect you is when you look in the mirror after a night of partying.
What to do before going to bed
In order to give your skin the best possible support, you should take in as many nutrients as possible during the day. Also, doing meditation or yoga before going to bed is a good way to get the production of melatonin - the sleep hormone that gives your body the signal to shut down - a good night's sleep. In addition, you should definitely avoid the blue light of electronic gadgets in the bedroom and set them to sleep mode with an orange-tinged light or, better yet, switch them off completely. Sleeping at a slightly lower temperature and impact ventilation also help. Deep sleep is the best prerequisite for making the work of the skin easier and bringing it to peak performance in terms of anti-aging and health.
What care you need at night
As far as care is concerned, your skin longs for anything that supports it in its repairing and renewal tasks. A a special treatment that perfectly supports your skin and offers it valuable active ingredients is our skin booster MASK: a high-quality mask that is intended as a special treatment at home and enables you to enjoy an evening ritual in a class of its own. Black-BeeOme® extract, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E nourish your skin and particularly strengthen the microflora of your skin in a gentle but effective way.
In addition to these ingredients, which should not be missing in your night care, an appropriate and highly concentrated amount of TECMi!® Retinol, ideally encapsulated, so that it can get into the lower layer of the skin. You should also supply your skin with oligo-hyaluronic acid, antioxidants and vitamins at night, something that our night cream NIGHT with 6% TECMi! ® Retinol complex succeeds at perfectly. Alternating this with our skin booster RED that provides your skin with the best possible overnight care with 8% highly concentrated TECMi!® Retinol complex and drives it to resume its own activity more intensely, as a kind of help for self-help.
The special advantages of NIGHT and RED can be maximized through microneedling: By working the products in with a DERMA ROLLER 1–2 times, you also stimulate your skin to produce collagen which results in a visibly firmer and fresher complexion.