Sleep well: How sleep keeps our skin healthy

Sleeping Beauty:
How sleep keeps our skin healthy

Doctors and researchers agree that beauty sleep really does exist. Those who are well rested appear more attractive as our body releases a growth hormone at night which ensures that our skin regenerates. If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should go to bed before 11 p.m.


Frau beim Schlaf


A lack of sleep is not only bad for your health - you can also see it in the person affected by it. This was proven in several studies carried out by researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm: They photographed 23 test subjects twice, once after eight and once after five hours of sleep. The scientists then presented these photos to 65 people. The result was clear: the test subjects described the well-rested people as healthier and more attractive. But why is that? And what happens to the skin when your sleeping?

Skin cell renewal at night

Jürgen Zulley, sleep researcher at the University of Regensburg, explains the reason for this: “A growth hormone is released while we are sleeping which ensures that our skin can regenerate. If we sleep too little or if the deep sleep phase, which is the most important phase for the release of the hormone, is disturbed, it is immediately noticeable: the skin becomes thinner and wrinkles form. "

The reason for this is that after a day full of UV radiation, soot particles and sebum, the skin needs its well-earned regeneration at night. The skin cells renew themselves three times faster than during the day while we are sleeping. At one o'clock in the morning, skin activity peaks. So if you want to get a good night's sleep, you should go to bed before 11 p.m.

Correct care can help to support the regeneration of the skin as the skin is particularly receptive at night to active ingredients that stop skin aging. This means that everyone can ensure their perfect beauty sleep: "At night you should use a different skin cream than during the day," says beautician Gabriele Bergmann from the Deutschen Beauty- und Wellnessfarmverband (German Beauty and Wellness Farm Association) in Bad Kissingen. “During the day, our skin needs protection from UV rays, dirt and other environmental factors. At night, when the skin recovers, regenerative agents such as ribonucleic acid come into play. "

Start with the right cleansing

In order for your skin to absorb these active ingredients, you should clean it thoroughly in the first step. Those who do not wash their face will run the risk of redness, itching and pimples. The following products are ideally suited for this:

  • CLEAN: This mild cleansing gel even removes eye make-up reliably, so you can confidently do without an additional make-up remover.
  • PEEL: This particularly finely ground cherry stone peeling reliably removes excess skin without irritating the skin. Due to its gentle formulation, it is suitable for daily cleansing.
  • TONE: As a gentle yet thorough AHA toner, TONE is ideally suited to balance the skin's pH value and to cleanse it reliably. TONE is suitable for all skin types, with the exception of oily skin: We recommend using TONE.S, which has a higher proportion of fat-soluble salicylic acid and is therefore ideal for oily skin.

Vitamin A & fruit acids help the skin to rejuvenate

Only when the pores have been cleaned can the skin absorb the care products through its pores. Many anti-aging products are designed to be applied before bed. When the skin is renewed, the time is right to support it with effective substances so that it can accelerate the regeneration process. The right product can develop its full effectiveness here.

The body produces collagen

Even if the market offers numerous products that contain collagen, the dose that our body produces even while we are sleeping is much higher. When we sleep, the body secretes growth hormones which keep the skin firm and repair scars and acne. In addition, collagens also have a positive effect on hair and nails.

Sleep breaks down stress hormones

A good night's sleep not only provides relaxation for body and mind, it also has a positive effect on the skin. If do not get enough sleep, you will have higher concentrations of the stress hormone cortisol. Constantly increased cortisol levels disrupt the cell healing processes and accelerate skin aging. Everyone knows the superficial consequences of lack of sleep: eyelids swell, dark circles appear below the eyes, the skin becomes pale and sallow.

But how long should beauty sleep last? Everyone needs a different amount of sleep. On average, Germans sleep seven to eight hours a day. But there are also late risers who need up to ten hours of sleep a day and short sleepers who get by with five or six hours. The decisive factor, however, is not the duration, but the recreational value of sleep.

Quality over quantity

A healthy sleeping environment can support beauty sleep. The bedroom should be well ventilated, darkened and have a temperature of 17 to 19 degrees. In order to prepare the body for the night ahead, one should no longer wallow in problems in the evening, but rather pursue relaxing activities such as reading a book or going for a walk. Even those who have dinner long before bed will sleep better. If you follow these tips, you will find it easier to sleep well.

Dr. Miriam Rehbein

Dr. Miriam Rehbein

Dr. Miriam Rehbein is a licensed specialist in dermatology as well as the founder and product developer of Doctor Mi! medical skincare. As a recognized expert in skin care, she not only passes on her specialist knowledge to colleagues at congresses and training courses, but also treats patients in her Munich practice. Based on her many years of experience in dealing with patients, Miriam Rehbein has created a care line with DoctorMi! medical skincare that pursues one goal in particular: to help the skin to help itself.